Introduction to programing using Python

Learn the basics of programming, everything you need to know before becoming a professional developer

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If you are a beginner in Programming, then this course will help you learn Python Programming fast.

Python programming is one of the most demanded skill sets in today's job market, and for good reason. Python allows you to do just about anything you can think of; web development, data analytics, game development - even controlling robots!

The course has examples and projects that are carefully chosen to demonstrate each concept so that you can gain a deeper understand of the language. It is designed to serve as a single, all-inclusive learning resource for all Python newcomers.

Very import please read this:

What are the requirements?

  • PC With Windows or Mac
  • Internet Connection
  • You need to download Python (x,y) 800 MB, I will show you where to download it and how to install it

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Understand Python Data Types
  • Correctly Execute Arithmetic Operations in Python
  • Correctly use Python Code Commenting
  • Be able to Code the Different Types of Conditional Statements available in Python
  • Understanding and Code Loop Structures Available in Python
  • Create, Sort and Modify Python Lists
  • Work with User Input
  • Understand and Use Python's Predefined String Functions
  • Create and Execute Custom Functions
  • Use Python File Handling

Your Instructor

Nick Ndhlovu
Nick Ndhlovu

Hi, my name is Nick I work full time as Junior Design Engineer but I also have a passion for teaching.

I started in 2015 while studying engineering creating courses for students and since then over hundreds of students have signed up for my courses which I provide for free.

I have years of experience in teaching as a tutor at my university and enjoy teaching programming, CAD design, and robotics (check out my other courses). In enjoying teaching I also work with this topics on a daily basis so I have experience in these subjects. My blog Nick Inspires is where I share tutorials about design, programming, robotics and my opinions about life in general, be sure to check it out.

I've always believed that for any person to be successful in life they need to be well educated and that does not necessarily mean possessing a degree or diploma but rather self education. I am so grateful for technology such as this because now everyone has an opportunity to learn exactly what they what at their own convenience.

I live in Joburg, a beautiful city in South Africa. When I am not working, I love being with my family and friends,travelling, giving motivational talks, building robots and reading books are my favorite hobbies. I hope you find the course helpful and share it with others.

Let's connect :)

Linkedin: Nick Ndhlovu

Twitter: @nickndhlovu

Get started now!